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The Post-event Assessment Group (PostAG) is an organizational structure that coordinates the efforts of ClimXtreme and its subprojects to rapidly evaluate relevant extreme events occurring during the runtime of ClimXtreme II. This initiative addresses the high demand for timely information following such events, as identified during Phase I  of the project, and prepares information and procedures for a quick response to the public and stakeholders.
The primary goal of the  PostAG is to develop a procedure that consolidates the statistical and physical evaluation methods used in the various ongoing subprojects of  ClimXtreme II. Consequently, the PostAG aims to provide rapid analysis of recent events, offering insights into current research methods while also assessing past and future climate change. With this approach, the  PostAG complements existing assessments, such as those conducted by the  DWD (Reports on Special Meteorological Events) and CEDIM (Forensic  Disaster Analysis).

ClimXtreme II
ClimXtreme II