D2: Coordination of Software Management in ClimXtreme (CoSoX)
The Module D subproject CoSoX is responsible for the central software management in ClimXtreme II. The ClimXtreme Central Evaluation System (XCES, based on Freva) was deployed at the beginning of Phase 1 and has been maintained by CoSoX since then, centralising all activities coordinated by Module D. XCES, hosted on the Levante supercomputer at DKRZ, is an evaluation framework that provides access to a variety of simulated model and observation data sets, as well as user-specific data sets, evaluation tools (plugins) and results via web, shell or Python modules.
In phase 2, CoSoX will work on a more flexible use of Freva's capabilities in terms of overall access, plugin usage and data. CoSoX will continue to update and maintain existing plugins at XCES, while actively supporting the development of new ones. CoSoX will play an active role in the planning and development of appropriate evaluation processes for the Post Assessment Group (PostAG). Together with CoDaX, the other project in Module D, CoSoX is also working on the continuous integration and provision of the datasets needed for the project.
Website: CoSox
Institution: German Climate Computing Center
Contact: Dr Christopher Kadow, Dr. Etor Lucio-Eceiza, Hannes Thiemann