C9: Risks and Uncertainties to Forests and Trees from Extreme Events in a Changing Climate (FORTEC)
The risk of damage to European forests is increasing significantly due to various factors. These include climate change and changes in frequency and intensity of extreme events like strong winds, heavy rainfall, heatwaves, droughts and connected ecological hazards like bark beetle infestations. Changes in forest management practices also play a role.
The FORTEC project is investigating how meteorological conditions and hazards affect forests in general and trees alongside railway infrastructure, especially considering potential future changes in climate. The project aims to understand the uncertainties associated with different meteorological processes. We will assess these factors across various types of forests and develop improved management strategies for key forest types.
Website: WIND
Institutions: Faculty of Enviroment and Natural Resources, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg1; Institut für Meteorologie, Freie Universität Berlin2
Contact: Rike Lorenz2, Barry Gardiner1